Calling all Coppell Classical Academy
Corporate Supporters
Sponsorship Deadline Friday, March 14th
The Coppell Classical Academy PTO is sponsoring the
FALCON FIELD DAY on Friday, April 11th.
Our goal is to provide each CCA student/staff member with a
FREE field day T-shirt. You can help defray the PTO’s cost of the T-shirts
by becoming a FIELD DAY sponsor.
- Name/logo of your business will imprint in white or black on the back of all T-shirts, sized according to sponsorship level.
- Dedicated social media post for your business to our CCA Falcon Families.
- Logo placement on our Falcons PTO website(
- Dedicated email will be sent to all families to show our appreciation of your sponsorship.
- Signage displayed the week of the event
Sponsorship Levels available (logo sized based on selected level):
GOLD: $1000 SILVER: $550 BRONZE: $350
Things to know:
- Confirm your sponsorship and pay later. Simply email Lara Collazo to confirm your sponsorship.
- Payment can be made by corporate check or thru our online payment system.
- The CCA PTO is tax-exempt so your sponsorship contribution will be a 2025 tax write-off.
Contact info:
- If you’re interested or if you have questions, please contact Lara Collazo (5th grade mom) at 863-899-0191 or